Compensation for Upper Body Injuries
Whether it's a mild sprain or break to an incredibly serious injury, an upper body injury can have a huge impact on your ability to be able to perform your job properly. Although many of us would consider that as long as it isn't an injury to our neck,back or head then we are probably lucky to have escaped with the relatively minor injuries that we may have incurred. Upper body injuries that don't cover these three aforementioned areas are far more likely to be less serious than lower body injuries which tend to have the ability to severely affect our mobility and therefore affect our ability to perform our jobs correctly.
An arm injury is one of the most common injuries that occurs within society and at some point in everyone's lifetime they will more than likely either injure or break a bone in their arm. A range of activities can cause a broken arm including hitting something, being involved in a fight, using your arms to break a fall, playing sports or being involved in a motor vehicle accident.
Whatever the cause, a break of the arm can often be a very painful experience and depending on the extent of the break, can either result in a long rehabilitation process or a few weeks in a cast.
By definition, one or more fractures in any of the arm bones which cause a break to the bone is defined as a broken arm. Accounting for roughly half of all the broken bones within society, a broken arm is usually related to a break of the forearm - this can be weither the ulna or radius bone depending on where the break is in your arm.
A cast is the best treatment for the majority of broken bones and is the quickest and easiest way of fixing them. If the break is relatively simple then the bone is usually placed into a cast to allow it to heal properly without the chance of a re-break. If the break is more severe, pins may be required to help keep the limb in place while it heals.
An arm injury is one of the most common injuries that occurs within society and at some point in everyone's lifetime they will more than likely either injure or break a bone in their arm. A range of activities can cause a broken arm including hitting something, being involved in a fight, using your arms to break a fall, playing sports or being involved in a motor vehicle accident.
Whatever the cause, a break of the arm can often be a very painful experience and depending on the extent of the break, can either result in a long rehabilitation process or a few weeks in a cast.
By definition, one or more fractures in any of the arm bones which cause a break to the bone is defined as a broken arm. Accounting for roughly half of all the broken bones within society, a broken arm is usually related to a break of the forearm - this can be weither the ulna or radius bone depending on where the break is in your arm.
A cast is the best treatment for the majority of broken bones and is the quickest and easiest way of fixing them. If the break is relatively simple then the bone is usually placed into a cast to allow it to heal properly without the chance of a re-break. If the break is more severe, pins may be required to help keep the limb in place while it heals.

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