Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tips For Claiming Industrial Deafness Compensation

By Tom Doerr

If you suffer from hearing problems and feel they may have been caused by exposure to loud noises in the work place then you may be entitled to industrial deafness compensation. However in order to make a claim you need to consider whether you have the right evidence. You also need to think carefully about who could potentially represent you.

The first thing to establish is whether or not your employer is liable. If the working environment is loud then sufficient protection should be given to people working in that environment. For example if you are working with an industrial drill then you should be given ear defenders.

Another strong reason is that they should be able to tell you if you have a claim. A lot of firms offer free initial consultation. As well as being a good way to compare the customer services of various representatives this is also a good way of gauging whether or not you feel it is worth pursuing a case.

The reason why a specialist is important is that they are more likely to be able to tell the difference between hearing problems caused by the risk of being a loud working environment and the problems that are caused by the negligence of an employer. For example if you work in a call centre and a customer yells down the phone at you then an employer cannot really legislate for that. However if you work on a loud industrial machine and they do not provide ear defenders then this is their fault, especially if they do not do it when you have asked them to.

The most important thing to consider when looking for a potential legal representative is their level of experience and how relevant it is to your case. Ideally they should not only be experienced in law but also in this particular type of case. As well as being able to represent you in the best way it will also often mean that they have access to medical experts who can ascertain whether the employer is liable for your hearing problems.

In short when seeking industrial deafness compensation it is best to choose an experienced legal representative that specialises in these kinds of cases. Ideally you should look at a number of possible options to help you compare what is available. Use your regular search engine to find specialist firms in your local area.

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

How To Make A Work Accident Compensation Claim

By Tom Doerr

The work place has become a very common place where workers fall prey to different injuries. Accidents are unavoidable and may happen to even the most professional of workers in any company. For these reasons most employers insure their businesses and their employees against these casualties so that the injured workers can be paid by making a valid work accident compensation claim in case of injury.

Some of the injuries sustained may be just minor cuts and bruises while others are a lot more serious and may warrant costly medical procedures. The insurance policy taken by the employers covers all these and guarantees compensation for any harm experienced at the works place. A worker must however be aware of steps involved in making claims as listed below.

You should first report the incidents to your supervisor immediately. The next person you need to inform is the person responsible for safety in the workplace. If you are a member of a union, you should report to the representative of your union.

To make the claims official, the worker you should give a detailed description of the accident in the accidents report book. Treatment for the injury you should be the next priority and can be obtained at any local hospital or the medical center at the company. The next step requires the worker to fill in an accident questionnaire and filing it with the supervisor.

The supervisor then has to investigate the incident with the help of the worker to ensure its validity. It is always advisable to inform the employer on the days you were absent due to getting treatment for the injury. After completing all these steps, the worker can then make an official claims to the employer.

All the expenses incurred by the injured worker while getting treatment should be repaid when he makes his work accident compensation claim. Hence the receipts should be carefully kept as they also improve the worthiness of your claims. Every worker can file for a claim in case of any inconvenience.

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Reasons For Using Compensation Lawyers Campbelltown

By Sharapno Bondia

It's a sad reality that other people's negligence can sometimes cause one to suffer financial loss, injuries or both. There are many ways this can happen. For example you can get injured while doing your job. A car can run you over on the sidewalk. Or your neighbor's Alsatian can suddenly decide that it will be fun to rip you apart. It's even worse when the guilty party refuses to acknowledge any negligence and you are then forced to sue him. This is when the help of compensation lawyers Campbelltown can prove to be invaluable.

You might think that you will save money by handling the case yourself. Keep in mind, however, that if you're unsuccessful with your claim, the ultimate financial loss will be even bigger. Also think carefully whether you are really up to face experienced lawyers in court. These people are experts with in-depth knowledge of the law. They will do everything they can to tear your case apart.

The fact that a large number of compensation lawyers will be prepared to take on your case on a contingency basis, i. E. No success no pay, means you are left with very few arguments as to why you should try to handle it yourself. If you have your own lawyer, you don't even need to talk to the opposing party's lawyers. There will be no chance of you saying the wrong thing or signing the wrong document.

A good compensation lawyer will do an in depth study of all the circumstances surrounding your case. He will then also study all related court decisions. When your case gets to court, he will be ready to take on whatever the other lawyers come up with.

Also keep in mind that if you decide to handle your own case, the opposing lawyers will know they're dealing with an amateur. They will quickly find a weak spot in your armament. When they're dealing with other lawyers, they're much less likely to take chances.

Should you decide to ask compensation lawyers Campbelltown to handle your case, ensure that you select a company that has a solid reputation. Word of mouth is always an excellent way to find such a company. The Internet is another invaluable source of information in this regard.

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Friday, March 9, 2012

All You Need To Know About Asbestos Compensation Claims.

By Tom Doerr

Asbestos is known to be an ideal material used in construction projects. Many buildings have been constructed using this material. Its key benefits are that it is cheap and can be sourced easily compared to other materials. The material is fire retardant hence many people are attracted to buying it. Unfortunately, these fibers that make up this material are harmful to your health. This has resulted in many asbestos compensation claims from many workers.

Its fibers are sharp and quite large. Since they are not strongly intact with each other, they are easily dislocated. During construction activities, these fibers easily get unattached and start floating in the air. This poses a risk as the workers who do not have masks can easily inhale them into their lungs. Once in the lungs, they result in substantial damage as the lungs are not able to expel them. The fibers are sharp and therefore pierce their way into the body tissues.

A number of health problems are attributed to this material. Asbestosis was initially found in workers who worked in textile industries. The body produces an acid that attempts to dissolve the fibers. Unfortunately, as the fiber gets dissolved, the lung tissue gets scarred. If the scarring is too extensive, the lungs are no longer able to work properly. This lung disease develops within 10 to 20 years. Such a period is known as the latency period.

Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the mesethelial lining of the lungs and the chest cavity. Once diagnosed, survival chances are slim. Its latency period ranges from 20 to 50 years with most of whom are diagnosed succumbing to the illness within 12 months.

Lung cancer is also linked to this material. Workers who are affected by the fibers file for compensation claims. Litigation is an option where the employer is not willing to cooperate with the workers claim.

Employers should be sensitive to the needs of their employees. Any asbestos compensation claims should be addressed immediately. Delaying to address such matters would be risking the life of the employee as the fibers result in cancer related diseases.

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 California Workers' Compensation Report

By Martin Flannery

Entering 2012, it's good to think on what the future holds for California Workers' Compensation rates. Two questions stand out:

- What's the impact of up to date changes made to the Workers' Compensation base rate?
- Is there any better understanding on the effect of the Health Care Reform Act on Workers' Compensation?

Workers' Compensation Base Rate

This Year, the Workers ' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau adopted base rate changes representing a rate increase of 37 %. Already carriers have increased rates between 2% and 20% and the chance exists for more changes moving forward.

These rate changes have impacted most employers and will have an even greater impact on employers with high experience modifiers. This underlines how vital it is to maintain strong safety and risk management programs.

Health Care Reform

There are potential negative and positive outcomes for Workers' Compensation as a outcome of health care reform change.

Positive Aspects:

Harry Shuford, chief economist for the National Council on Compensation Insurance, indicated during a presentation at The Ratemaking and Product Management Convention, the health care reform law is a "totally new health care system that seems to have material implications for the way forward for medical care delivery in the U.S."

- Workers' Compensation costs may decrease as a result of the reform since medical claims are such a large part of Workers' Compensation costs.
- Workers' Compensation share of hospital bills is small and shrinking and Workers' Compensation is only 3 percent of all medical care spending in the U.S. as a whole.
- The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act includes aspects of administrative simplification and standardizing, which may have a potential positive effect on California Workers' Compensation rates.
- Medicare charges are going to be altered rather less frequently which should also help to hold down general costs.

Negative Aspects:

Swiss Re notes there are potential negative and unexpected consequences to reform in the report, "The Impact of U.S. Health Care Reform on Workers ' Compensation and Other Casualty Lines"

- As government mandated cost containment starves the healthcare provider community, insurers could be up against cost shifting into the Workers ' Compensation system.
- Medicare compensation levels are debatable for the medical community now. As these decrease, this can pressure hospitals to cost shift where possible and the Workers ' Comp system is an easy target.
- Individual workers don't bear the load of costs and they haven't any reason or incentive to doubt the costs for any services they receive. Without consumer oversight, cost shifting to the Workers ' Compensation system becomes less difficult.
- As more people use the medical system with medical care needs, the proportion of patients to medical practitioners is probably going to increase making an effect on availability of care.
- Cost cutting will make providers less willing to participate in occupational medical networks that offer discounts off fee schedules.

The Cure for The Unknown

It is important to notice that health care reform faces many in opposition and while it is be the law of the land today, it may readily see changes if there is a major shift in the political leadership of our country.

The best strategy during uncertain times is for each employer to ensure their business has developed and implemented effective risk mitigation programs, that may allow them to minimize exposure to any potential Workers ' Compensation premium increases springing from rate changes and healthcare reform.

Last Thoughts

As the New Year starts, be sure to perform a fast review of your policies and practices:

- Are you working with an Independent Insurance Agency that can help you find the best California Workers ' Compensation solution between different carriers for your special needs?
- Have you got well-established programs to help lessen risks?
- Do you have ongoing employee education that serves to re-emphasize the importance of making and maintaining a safe workplace?

If you're unsure of what you can face because of the changing Workers ' Compensation landscape or if you have not taken a thorough look at your risk management in a while, we at ISU Bob Gabriel Insurance are here to help. We provide both experience and access to the best Workers ' Compensation insurance carriers and would welcome the opportunity to review your current policies and help you move into 2012 with trust that you have the best Workers ' Compensation program in place to meet your requirements.

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To determine the best compensation plan, there are a number of factors that should be considered. Some compensation structures are more suited towards those confident in their recruiting ability and those with industry experience, while others are more supportive to people that are new to the industry, part-timers and the so called “average” distributors. In this blog we will discuss a list of factors that you can use to help identify a good compensation plan

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