Thursday, April 15, 2010

Streamline Funnel System

Compensation Plan

First and foremost, lets analyze the key factors in joining an Ambit Energy business. The initial investment to join this company is about $400. This will include a home starter kit and several company replicated websites. This is the essential starter program for Ambit Energy distributors. The number one goal is to find prospective distributors in the company to profit and grow with the opportunity.

The company is in the energy business which is a competitive outside market. It is sometimes hard to gain a prospective on the amount of success you can experience in this business. You must sign up four distributors to make the initial investment back.The Compensation plan really does pay you if you have the ability to recruit the right members onto your team.

Ardyss Compensation Plan


Many people do not realize how much effort it really does take to succeed in network marketing of any other business opportunity. Leveraging the internet helps greatly in this process.An important aspect when deciding on whether to join a business or not is the leadership and ownership of the company. The CEO of Ambit Energy is Jere Thompson. Taking a quick look at the credentials of the CEO, you will find that Jere has a significant background with Goldman Sachs & Co.

Because of these impressive credentials it is great to know that this company will probably not be folding anytime soon.The most important thing to ask yourself when looking to join Ambit energy is whether or not you can succeed with this business. In my perspective, you can succeed in any business with the right tools and techniques at your disposal.

Organo Gold Compensation Plan Investigated

To experience success in this business along with other businesses in the network marketing industry you must have a clear system to base your work on and stick to your plan. There are many marketing systems out there but only a few that will show you the tools that you need without taking your money.Ambit energy is a reputable company with some competitive advantages from their competition. They are allowing the customer to take control and sell their energy and benefit in the profits.

I would highly suggest that before joining Ambit Energy to take a look at your current marketing strength and knowledge. Seek advice and the proper ways to expose the opportunity.There are programs out there that will help you succeed in this business and with any network marketing business. It will take a lot of time and effort on your part to succeed. This is truly a legitimate opportunity and if you are passionate about the products that Ambit Energy offers than this could be a successful business opportunity.
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Friday, April 9, 2010

How to Design a Compensation Plan

One way to remain competitive in the marketplace is ensuring that your best and brightest employees remain with your company. Attracting and hiring quality employees is a difficult task, and one that can be very costly. Once you have these people on board, it is important that they remain on board, and do not go fleeing to your competition.

A major tool that you can use to keep your employees satisfied is to learn how to design compensation plan. A good compensation plan lets your employees know that you value them enough to take care of them, but does so in a way that does not hurt the company's profits. This type of plan is a true win-win scenario.

The first thing you will need to do in determining how to design a compensation plan is to do some research to determine what other companies are doing in terms of their compensation plans.

This is especially helpful if you can learn what your competition is paying. If your plan is at least on equal footing with your competition you greatly reduce the temptation of your employees leaving to find greener pastures with another company in your market.

When checking out what other companies are doing for compensation plans, do not just look at the dollar amounts that are being paid, look at how the plans are structured. Plans are made up of a lot of smaller components. Looking at how other plans are structured will give you more ideas about how to have your own plan set up.

You will also want to look at the job descriptions of your employees. When you compare yourself to other companies you will want to be sure your are comparing apples to apples.

On the surface your plan might not seem as generous as your competitors plan, but the job requirements might be completely different with the other company. For instance, your base salary might appear to be lower, but closer examination might reveal that the other company requires employees to work more hours and come in on Saturdays.

Once you have determined the basic structure for your compensation plan, you should look for ways to reward your employees without hurting the company's financial strength.

Many companies are offering more bonuses instead of higher base salaries. This way the employees get rewarded when the company does well, but the company is not saddled with high salary obligations when business is slow.

This is also a good way to reward higher performing employees. When you compensate solely on seniority you create an environment where there is not as much incentive to produce. As long as the employees do enough to keep their jobs they will be rewarded.

A competitive compensation plan is a critical part of employee retention efforts. You need to ensure that the plan you offer is enough to not only attract quality job candidates, but that it is enough to keep those employees with the company for the long term.

If your employees feel that they are important to you, and then you will take care of them, they will do whatever you ask of them. Learn how to design a compensation plan to show your employees how important they are to your company.
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About This Blog

To determine the best compensation plan, there are a number of factors that should be considered. Some compensation structures are more suited towards those confident in their recruiting ability and those with industry experience, while others are more supportive to people that are new to the industry, part-timers and the so called “average” distributors. In this blog we will discuss a list of factors that you can use to help identify a good compensation plan

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